Nikon STORM/TIRF/epifluorescence Microscope
2D/3D STORM/PALM with motorized TIRF illuminator
Optical Mode: TIRFM (488,561,647nm)
Epifluorescence (CFP/YFP/mCherry/DAPI/GFP/TxRed/Cy5 filter sets)
STORM/PALM super resolution
Lasers: 405nm/488nm/561nm/647nm
Camera: Andor iXon 897 EMCCD or Andor Zyla sCmos
Microscope: Motorized inverted microscope ECLIPSE Ti-E
Perfect Focus System, Motorized XY stage with encoders, Piezo Z stage, Tokai Hit Environmental Chamber
Software: NIS-Elements Ar with N-STORM analysis